World Bank
World Bank has reopened the 10 year part of the dollar curve, with other public sector issuers keen to follow it into the tenor.
The long end will stay very much in vogue for euro issuers next week — which SSA bankers are predicting could be the last big window of issuance for the year.
The World Bank is set to price the largest 10 year dollar benchmark from an SSA since July, as another issuer considered following the supranational into that part of the curve.
The World Bank will on Thursday attempt to resurrect the 10 year part of the dollar curve, a sector that has had next to no benchmark issuance from top tier issuers in the second half of the year.
The World Bank on Tuesday sold its longest dated euro syndication and its biggest single issue in the currency in nearly three years, as SSA bankers hoped that other Washington DC-based supranationals could look at the currency.
This week's funding scorecard looks at the progress supranationals have made in their funding programmes.
The Western financial system could learn a thing or two about ensuring transparency in the primary debt markets by studying an approach adopted in China, according to the treasurer of the World Bank — while new technologies like blockchain could also help restore trust in the financial system
Saxony-Anhalt increased the size of a new three year dollar deal on Wednesday after squeezing pricing tighter twice during two days of marketing.
The volatility of the Mexican peso is causing investors to keep away from long term debt in the currency.
A trio of top tier SSA names nipped through a narrow issuance window at the start of the week to launch tightly priced dollar benchmarks.