Latin America
IDB Invest backed deal comes tighter to Chilean government curve than all previous iterations as EM credit holds firm
Bankers say 5bp-10bp new issue concession a good result as investors stay firm on price
Latin American power generator to refi hybrid with seven year senior
Cosan and Shell’s Brazilian JV found hefty demand shortly after S&P placed it on negative outlook
The winning deals, organisations and individuals will be crowned at a ceremony in New York on April 22
Brazil's largest private sector lender priced a five year senior just 10bp wider than the government
Manitoba, TCV join foreign SSA contingent, Chile's BCI prints five-year, but corporate supply lags
◆ Issuer initially targeted price over size but achieved both ◆ Makes sterling debuts look easy ◆ Positioning for UK membership?
Government raises $1.5bn in deal bought by diverse global audience as part of a liability management exercise
Mexican issuers stride into primary market after Trump proposed then delayed tariffs
Mexico’s largest private power generator lands $1.1bn 10 year issued at corporate level
LM in vogue despite higher coupons as Ambipar tenders its debut bond issued a year ago