Latin America
The issuer’s previous tier twos trade at unusually low yield but new bond looks tight versus larger peer and sovereign
LatAm’s most prolific sovereign issuer draws over €8bn of orders for dual tranche on tricky day
The private equity trust added banks to its lending group in the refinancing
Investors are "cautious" on LatAm credit, said one fund manager
CFO expects ‘vast majority’ of future deals to be labelled, as lender focuses on rebuilding pipeline of eligible projects
Conditions set fair for slew of opportunistic liability management deals from Latin American issuers
Lender pays just 20bp-25bp over government as fiscal issues weigh on sovereign and scarcity supports bank spreads
Oil and gas name returns after six years as investors warm to Vaca Muerta companies
Fibra Uno and El Puerto de Liverpool each market dual tranche deals
Concessions for Mexico, JBS, Chile and Codelco stay slim as appetite for credit remains broad
Oil company issues largest Argentine corporate bond in almost a decade to take out a July maturity
Argentina should be a growing source of issuance in 2025