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  • SSA
    KfW mandated banks for a new euro syndication on Tuesday afternoon, looking to capitalise on strong demand for short dated paper in the currency.
  • SSA
    Network Rail is set to add to a spate of dollar issuance this week, mandating banks for a benchmark on Wednesday morning. It will follow KfW and the European Investment Bank, which announced mandates just after lower than expected US non-farm payroll numbers were released on Tuesday afternoon.
  • SSA
    KfW and the European Investment Bank are set to end a drought of dollar benchmark issuance on Wednesday. KfW hired banks on Tuesday for a three year benchmark in the currency, while EIB has opted for a longer five year deal.
  • SSA
    Read this week's funding scorecard to see which European supranationals and agencies are nearly done for the year, and which have room for another benchmark.
  • SSA
    KfW became the second issuer to take advantage of the liquidity on offer in the belly of the euro curve this week, raising €5bn a day after the European Stability Mechanism pulled in nearly €21bn of orders to its debut benchmark. More borrowers are set to follow as issuers look to take advantage of buoyant conditions despite the looming deadline over the US debt ceiling negotiations.
  • SSA
    Two peripheral sovereigns mandated in the wake of the European Stability Mechanism’s debut on Tuesday, as market tone in euros remained strong despite the clock ticking on the US debt ceiling negotiations and the government still in shutdown. Italy mandated banks for a debut seven year benchmark while Spain hired for a 30 year syndication.
  • SSA
    Plenty of SSA issuers took a big bite out of their funding targets in the short window of issuance between the end of the summer and this week's FOMC meeting. Here we provide updated figures on selected European supranationals and agencies.
  • SSA
    Province of Ontario is the latest issuer expected to bring a five year dollar deal next week, adding to a hefty SSA pipeline. There are also thought to be opportunities for long dated euro deals, with the Federal Reserve’s unexpected decision not to slow its asset purchasing programme causing a steepening in the euro curve.
  • SSA
    Sovereign, supranational and agency issuers have eschewed the new issue market so far this week because of the volatility inducing potential of the Federal Reserve Open Markets Committee meeting which kicks off on Wednesday. But several are in the pipeline to take advantage of the calmer markets expected next week.
  • SSA
    KfW and the African Development Bank both sold long 10 year Kangaroo debt on Wednesday, with the former opening a new line and the latter tapping its outstanding bond. KfW was able to reach a wider investor base than recent 10 year Kangas owing to its strong reputation in the market. Export Development Canada also took the opportunity to increase its five year Aussie dollar bond.
  • SSA
    KFW began bookbuilding for a new long 10 year Kangaroo bond on Tuesday, looking to secure demand from Japanese investors focusing on the far end of the curve. Export Development Canada is also selling new Kangaroo debt, opting for a five year maturity.
  • SSA
    German development bank, KfW is set to price on Tuesday, the biggest ever seven year global dollar bond away from issuance by US GSE borrowers. The issuer will price a $3bn deal in line with guidance. Two other SSA borrowers tapped shorter maturities in the currency.