Featured FIG
Greater concessions nip nervousness and orderbook attrition in the bud
Froth evaporates in unsecured FIG as corporates still fly
Covered and unsecured issuers await greater stability, despite positive signs in secondary
Sterling AT1 revival comes amid dispute over Deutsche Bank's foreign exchange losses
Funding conditions remain strong but some predict trouble ahead
Some FIG primary trades experienced big attrition levels this week in a sign that dynamics could be shifting
Deutsche Bank sparks debate on whether issuers will suffer should they not call AT1 deals amid excellent market conditions
Come February unsecured volumes may surprise amid subdued risks, but tight pricings pose a challenge
European banks joined corporate long-dated fray this week as investors showed ample appetite for more
Senior issuance remains the preferred funding route for European banks despite impressive covered bond recovery
Warm reception for French banks in euros and other currencies shows FIG market is in positive health
Benchmark funds will pile into core names but January order of business could change as spreads widen