◆ Bloc lands another €10bn-plus deal ◆ Book almost a record ◆ Both real and fast money show hands
Bumper September brings post 2020 peak
◆ Canadian issuer returns after two years ◆ Deal grabs record demand ◆ Leads were 'careful to get pricing right'
Big step forward in UniCredit’s attempt to control Commerzbank
◆ Deal attracts one of 2024’s largest SSA sterling books ◆ ‘EIB specific’ features helped book size and tightening ◆ Recent KfW bond served as main comp
◆ Development bank closes in on annual funding target ◆ Moving swap spreads a common consideration ◆ IDB Invest appears alongside sister organisation
◆ Sovereign takes a ‘totally crazy’ book ◆ Central bank policy meetings created a helpful backdrop ◆ Long maturity offered ‘attractive entry point for investors’
A busy pipeline is forming in the SSA market as the EU preps its next scheduled transaction
◆ Spreads too good for banks to regret issuing ◆ One of the busiest September starts in US FIG ◆More than a dozen foreign banks print over $27bn in just three days
◆ More tightening ‘doesn’t feel like the right thing to do’ ◆ New framework maintains dark green rating ◆ Dollar FRN on the table
◆ Kommuninvest spread surprises bankers ◆ KommuneKredit takes twice covered book ◆ ‘A tough one at the moment’ for euros