Amid global volatility, yen market offers challenging but viable funding diversification, especially to European banks
Echoes of a Lehman moment prompt more banks to look towards alternative funding in yen. But while the Japanese market remains stable, accessing it is not as easy as it seems
Lower participation from Japanese regional investors due to French bank's G-Sib status and pricing may have affected deal size
Offering more stable funding conditions than other global markets, Japan will host the new French deal in addition to several other yen bonds from foreign issuers
Samurai bonds have had a strong year so far as international issuers flock to the Japanese yen market for its relative stability and diversification option. The outlook is positive too — but borrowers will have to contend with increasingly cautious investors, writes Manju Dalal.
Onshore format brings pricing at least as good as dollars
MUFG and SMTB lead way to dollars after Labor Day, while HSBC seeks funding in yen
US insurer will use proceeds to partly refinance dollar debt maturing in two and three years
Deutsche Bahn set off weekly Swedish krona issuance with 18 year private placement
French bank reaps benefits of having strong following in the Japanese market
Europe braces for next wave of window-driven senior FIG issuance
UK issuer achieves competitive funding cost compared to dollars but yen market remains challenging for foreign issuers