Bumper September brings post 2020 peak
◆ Deal comes close to non-eurozone peers ◆ Real money orders dominate book ◆ No oversupply concerns for fourth tranche of 2024
Bank capital issuance spree set to run as investors lap up even lower credits
◆ Spreads too good for banks to regret issuing ◆ One of the busiest September starts in US FIG ◆More than a dozen foreign banks print over $27bn in just three days
◆ Two new dollar deals push European weekly tally to 10 notes ◆ ING goes for Reg S docs... ◆... as UBS eyes sub-7% pricing with global offering
BNP Paribas, Santander and UBS are reporting progress as building a sustainable position in North America becomes crucial to secure number one status in Europe
Career spans First Boston to UBS via Credit Suisse
◆ UBS's recently issued AT1s have outperformed ◆ Future AT1 supply expected as capital requirements increase ◆ Analysts update performance recommendations after quarterly report
'A lot of work ahead' to counter 'structural unprofitability' of Credit Suisse, says CEO
Lack of competition helps both borrowers land flat to fair value
Backing from Kexim helps green energy company achieve tight price on debut
Regular issuer targets more size, but still lands in line with most recent trade from Pfandbriefzentrale