The Netherlands
◆ NN the first Friday deal in six weeks ◆ Investors hungry for undersupplied Dutch paper ◆ Book grows after spread set
◆ Dutch insurance company prepares deeply subordinated issue amid weaker market ◆ But FIG's fundamentals unchanged ◆ Spike in rates may boost demand from yield buyers
◆ Curve repriced significantly since January ◆ Bond prices tight after spread moves 2bp ◆ Lower Saxony borrows with nine year
Energy grid companies' deals tighten far above 2025 average
New dollar social deal stands out from the crowd
Two day execution brings bank successful start
DCM team responded to issuers’ heightened need for advice on capital this year and plans to expand in this competitive area
Dutch agency could change euro-dollar funding mix
Same lenders provide the facility as were on the refinanced €420m deal
Luxembourg market draws closer to extinction
◆ Tightest deal from Greece since financial crisis ◆ Market unfazed by French political turmoil ◆ NIBC brings 'novelty' in a sub-benchmark Tier 2
◆ 'Dark clouds' fail to hinder demand ◆ Bankers debate fair value ◆ More senior deals expected this week