A fire sale on Paradeplatz is under way
Inaugural deal is the sovereign’s largest bond in a decade
The Swiss sovereign is set to retain Sfr300m of the inaugural deal
Thirty-two banks fund the new combined self-arranged RCFs
Swiss event marketing company raises Sfr77m to refinance a bond due 2023
The Swiss solar panel maker seeks to raise Sfr250m to expand production capacity
First Swiss green bond will be auctioned with at least a 16 year maturity
The Swiss online pharmacy sold a new convertible bond despite an 83% fall in its stock this year
The Swiss medical company said it opted for a direct listing for tax purposes
Cautious credit investors keen to see 'significant' premiums
LatAm supra has now raised more in Swiss francs than in any year since 2015
A wave of Chinese companies are heading to Zurich for capital