R12 Capital and a director of the Swedish company priced a Skr630m block
Transparency on deal size improved execution certainty of rare long dated deal
Rising rates and slumping prices mean companies will need more cash, but struggle to get it
Bawag gains traction with investors in short tenor, KEB hits target size but not spread
The issuer met its size and spread aspirations as Bawag lined up the market's next new issue
Proceeds of the Swedish Krona deal fund local forest regeneration
Rights issue volumes have surged in Europe this week as bankers expect more activity
Bankers expect more acquisition-related capital increases once volatility subsides
Promissory note was increased to €300m thanks to keen demand from international investors
Rare visitor prioritised size over price on its latest Swiss franc visit
The Swedish construction equipment seller launched the deal close to its deadline
Name recognition and two year absence fuelled demand for the unrated corporate