◆ Borrowers take £500m from undersupplied market ◆ Despite lower spread Northern Powergrid's longer maturity trade more popular ◆ Sterling volumes down around 10% from March 2024
Sustainability-linked deal "overlays" with the firm's Islamic banking practices
The loan is aligned with its sustainability commitments
Deal brings company's sustainability-linked funding to €1bn
The solar energy investment company slashes 30bp off part of its loan margin
The facility's ESG features will be finalised before the end of the year
Lenders say sustainability-linked market is in 'good shape' despite volumes slowing
Raising long-term funding is not an 'imminent' need for the Swedish energy utility
To control what is transition-worthy too tightly would be to miss the point
The loan is the largest underwritten by banks in Albania
Oil refinery owner aiming to aggressively pursue net zero