◆ Rare deeply subordinated capital from an insurer in sterling very popular ◆ Potentially negative new issue premium ◆ First possible window taken
Founder Matthew Moulding injects £60m while extending a term loan and revolver
◆ Borrowers take £500m from undersupplied market ◆ Despite lower spread Northern Powergrid's longer maturity trade more popular ◆ Sterling volumes down around 10% from March 2024
◆ Deutsche Bank calls one AT1, extends another ◆ Market appears accepting to 'idiosyncratic' event ◆ Metro Bank issues public AT1 with the highest coupon
The decision made by the High Court was upheld on Monday
The solar energy investment company slashes 30bp off part of its loan margin
The sovereign has raised more than £59bn from syndications in this financial year
◆ Deal starved sterling investors pile into Wessex Water ◆ Final demand of £2.45bn ◆ First sterling deal this year from UK wastewater
◆ Sterling still open for business ◆ Slight preference for longer tranche ◆ Wessex Water next up
◆ Fair value calcs far from straightforward ◆ Largest book for index-linked Gilt offering ◆ Less index-linked issuance in 2025-26?
◆ 'Reasonable interest' in sterling market ◆ Popular tenors accessed ◆ Neither issuer tightens pricing from guidance
◆ Wessex Water and Bunzl in sterling ◆ Manchester Airport and Mondi in euros ◆ Market shrugs off Friday’s weak non-farm payrolls number