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◆ Spanish region lands tight versus govvie ◆ Well sought-after deal despite squeezy spread ◆ Strong technical continues to support Spanish (and French) SSAs
◆ First EU green bond from FIG after corporate and SSA debuts ◆ Bank turbocharges senior funding in euros a day after sterling visit ◆ Deals have similar structures and maturities
Irish agricultural supplier has tied loan to sustainability targets
Responsibilities include structuring broad range of hedges, SRTs
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◆ German Länder used to guide pricing ◆ Book holds firm as deal lands tight ◆ Wave of 15 year supply unlikely, but 10 years a possibility
Deal set to be the longest euro covered bond since May last year
Deal lands close to fair value but orderbook attrition remains high
◆ Using the bond market to boost European security ◆ Africa nears sovereign debt stabiliser ◆ Sterling's ESG problem
Manitoba, TCV join foreign SSA contingent, Chile's BCI prints five-year, but corporate supply lags
◆ Another offshore borrower set to print in euro 6NC5 format ◆ Issuers favour October 2029 Gilt ◆ Investors 'quite ambivalent' about choice of Gilt