Spanish Sovereign
Treasury official says stability of Bonos spreads particularly valuable against volatile political backdrop
Retail bid to the rescue as central bank bows out
Issuer prices deal with 2bp-3bp of concession but views divided on fair value
The sovereign chose a 15 year tenor despite peers demonstrating demand for even longer debt
Strong demand for euros in primary SSA market extends
Issuer is latest eurozone sovereign to garner less investor interest than for its recent deals
Senior official in Spanish treasury to switch jobs later this year
Sovereign plans deal as eurozone periphery spreads widen on ECB comments
Spain will come to market on Tuesday for its first ever green bond
Spain published its green bond framework on Wednesday, with its highly anticipated debut bond in the format set to be issued after the summer.
Metropolitano de Tenerife, the public transport company that operates the Tenerife tram system, made its bond market debut on Tuesday, raising €130m with a 15 year green bond.