Swedish Export Credit Corporation
This week's scorecard looks at the progress Nordic agencies have made in their 2019 funding programmes by the middle of September.
The dollar SSA market saw a clear schism this week between the maturities investors favour, with shorter end trades tightening pricing while longer maturity deals were forced to print in line with initial price thoughts.
SSA issuers of dollar bonds were able to push harder on spread than they have in recent weeks on Wednesday, surprising syndicate bankers away from the deals.
This week's scorecard looks at the progress Nordic agencies have made in their 2019 funding programmes.
This week's scorecard looks at the progress Nordic agencies have made at the end of June.
A trio of SSAs made the most of low yields in Danish kroner and Swedish kronor to print paper with coupons hovering around zero this week.
The Inter-American Development Bank hit screens on Monday afternoon for a new June 2029 dollar benchmark. The note is the IADB's first 10 year benchmark of the year and other SSA issuers are circling, ready to enter the market if this deal goes well.
CDP Financial and Swedish Export Credit Corp (SEK) were the only SSA names to brave a volatile dollar market this week, and both deals got across the line.
Swedish Export Credit Corp’s $650m floating rate note printed this week won the approval of bankers off the trade, as the demand for Libor-linked debt shows little sign of dissipating.
Swedish Export Credit Corp has set the terms on a $650m December 2020 floating rate note, increasing the size of its trade amid sharp volatility in the US rates market on the prospect of dovish policy action from the Federal Reserve.
CDP Financial has set the price in line with initial price thoughts for its two year dollar benchmark, giving investors a new issue premium of around 4bp.
This week's scorecard looks at the progress Nordic agencies have made in their 2019 funding programmes.