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Resets and refis prominent in pipeline as loan market softens, offering respite from repricing wave
What a varied primary market menu might tell us about the state of play in European securitization
Number of managers is growing despite underwhelming loan supply
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KKR tests new tights in both senior and mezz but relative value key for global investor base
Pipeline crammed even as seven managers print deals in a week
Loan note provides support and market rides out tariff volatility, as pipeline remains packed
Undersupply drives ABS tighter, while US investors spy relative value in euro CLOs
Six managers priced deals yet the pipeline remains heavy with prices expected to come in more
Dasha Sobornova joins from Akin Gump with experience across asset classes
Host of CLO managers offer new issues and resets, ABS pipeline similarly busy
Jason Walker, CIO of the company's affiliated investment manager, will manage the fund from Europe
Euro ABS off to flyer as VW also finds success, at least six CLO managers out with trades