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The move is an attempt to bolster Haynes Boone's fund finance and securitization offerings
Loan note provides support and market rides out tariff volatility, as pipeline remains packed
The giant asset manager has launched a fund to invest in triple B tranches and below
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CLO team’s senior figure is leaving for personal reasons
The prominent euro manager's first dollar issue comes two years after hiring US director David Kim
Bankers are already retracting predictions of a busy end to the year as potential hiccups fill the calendar
KIMM platform likely to be serial issuer as manager returns to middle market after two year absence
Antares and Orion start marketing at start of busy month
Although visible pipeline for new issues is low, the seeds for its return are being planted
Christian Grane moves on to take up another role
Rothschild, Partners marketing as drought slowly breaks
Miguel Ramos Fuentenebro, partner at Fair Oaks, on the first European edition of an asset class that has flourished in the US