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CLOs set for a fast start in January while data centre surge could boost ABS growth
For the SRT Series finale, MUFG's head of FIG for the DACH region discusses the future of the market and her career to date
High deal volumes expected again, leaving investors scrambling for staff
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Bank11 and Axus Nederland get ahead of flood of deals
Volkswagen, Together join pipe as bankers say September sterling supply rush should be manageable for the market
Replacement already in place after longstanding employee departs
Investors hunt for yield in auto supply traffic jam
Deals emerge ahead of September pack to lure investors
CRC and Nuveen Infrastructure invest with UK bank to deploy released capital for renewable lending
Direction of spreads is uncertain but euros and sterling supply will likely be heavy
Competing issuance and volatility makes timing deals tricky
Busy week ends with bumper preplaced deal from Black Horse but two week break in supply now likely