Neddies has funded €6bn so far this year and might reappear in dollar market
◆ Order book halves after ‘aggressive’ tightening ◆ Bankers away say deal came through fair value ◆ FRN bid 'strong'
◆ Eight foreign banks raise more than $18bn in three days as BMO adds another $1bn to multiple perps ◆ M&A funding also boosts February FIG volume to over $50bn ◆ Slow down felt by Thursday as spreads widen
Danish agency scored largest ever book and at a tight spread to US Treasuries
◆ Issuer removes capital deficit ◆ Starts marketing ‘aggressively’ to finish through fair value ◆ Unlikely to print any senior debt for regulatory purposes
SSA prints totalling $2.75bn speak volumes about strength of bid in dollars
Sale is expected to value the Norwegian consulting firm at Nkr5.65bn
Market ‘took positives’ from US data, central bank meeting, and US Treasury volumes last week
British Columbia, Thuringia and Sagess will also price deals across dollars and euros on Tuesday
Sovereign achieves diversification goal with first syndicated green bond
Dkr7.75bn deal is Denmark's second green bond after an auction last year