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  • Brazil * Banco ABN
  • * European Investment Bank Rating: Aaa/AAA
  • * Electric Power Development Co Ltd Guarantor: Japan
  • * Abbey National Treasury Services plc
  • BAYERISCHE Landesbank hosted its ever popular annual syndications event last Saturday in Munich. The bank, which developed a unique formula for its annual party some four years ago, took some 40 or so market participants on a rafting trip down the River Isar.
  • Finland The well supported $350m seven year multicurrency revolving credit being arranged for Nokia Oy by Chase Investment Bank, Citibank NA and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell is to be signed on September 12 in Helsinki. Despite being oversubscribed, the deal has not been increased.
  • SCANIA, the leading Scandinavian truck maker, is returning to the syndicated loan market for a jumbo $1.7bn refinancing being arranged by Enskilda Debt Capital Markets and JP Morgan Securities Ltd. The seven year facility, which replaces the borrower's existing $1.7bn working capital facility signed in December 1995, is being arranged by the same banks -- with no new additional banks at the top tier.
  • Israel The $75m five years at a split 32.5bp rising to 35bp over Libor term loan being arranged for ICL-Israel Chemicals Ltd by CSFB and Dresdner Bank Luxembourg SA was signed on Tuesday in London.
  • FRENCH supermarket group Promodes is to seek a major financing in the syndicated loan market to support its jumbo Ffr28bn takeover bid for rival operator Casino and holding company Rallye. The move is likely to signal the start of the latest round of corporate restructuring in continental Europe following last year's Auchan buy as well as the moves by Krupp and Rhône-Poulenc earlier this year.
  • BancAmerica Securities Inc led $200m US-CP facility renewal for CAF is to sign on September 10. The 364 days at 20bp risk fee facility will be effective from September 17. Argentina
  • Croatia Syndication of the DM60m term loan being arranged for first time borrower Kras dd by Bayerische Vereinsbank AG, Banque Nationale de Paris (London), and RZB has been completed around 30% oversubscribed.
  • France Chase Investment Bank has discreetly completed and should sign its $190m rig financing for Beacon-Schlumberger next week.