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  • THE FRENCH government is moving at speed to complete a partial flotation of France Télécom, with plans to launch the sale into an already crowded autumn calendar of telecom privatisations.
  • THE FRENCH government is moving at speed to complete a partial flotation of France Télécom, with plans to launch the sale into an already crowded autumn calendar of telecom privatisations. Late last night Euroweek learned that, as a sign of its commitment to a speedy sale, the Trésor has requested that analysts' meetings take place on Monday (September 8) and that the IPO be priced by October 16.
  • THE summer lull is set to come to an abrupt end next week with a number of prestigious borrowers planning to launch Eurodollar issues. GMAC has confirmed its intention to launch a two tranche five year FRN in the sterling and Deutschmark sectors, as reported in Euroweek 517. Merrill Lynch is overall co-ordinator with BZW as joint lead on the sterling tranche and Dresdner Kleinwort Benson joint lead on the Deutschmark tranche.
  • TWO European arms of the information services to hotels group ITT are to launch high yield deals totalling $500m in the next two weeks, making this the largest financing to date in the growing European high yield corporate debt market. Joint bookrunners Chase, Goldman Sachs and Lazard Frères were conducting roadshows for the deal this week in Europe and the US. No pricing details are available as yet, but a range is likely to be set next week after sounding out investors and the deal is expected to be launched the week after.
  • Monoline insurer CapMac (Capital Markets Assurance Corp) has set up Euro and US MTN programmes which have an aggregate ceiling of $5bn. The facility has been arranged by Merrill Lynch. CapMac, which has already set up CP conduit vehicles to provide short term funding as well as credit enhancement to its clients, is looking to develop its existing products and services by providing longer term funding. It intends to finance this with issuance under the programme.
  • Corporates Bankers Trust International plc and BZW are launching syndication of their £45m working capital facility for Welcome Break Ltd.
  • Compiled by Gerard Perrignon, Hambros Bank Ltd, London. Tel: +44 171-865 1759 The New Zealand market had a quiet week, with the direction being gleaned from currency movements and price action in the Australian and US markets. Beginning the week at +77bp, the 10 year Kiwi/US spread closed Thursday night at +83bp.