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  • Angola Union Bank of Switzerland formally launched syndication of its high profile $400m oil contract prepayment finance facility for Sonangol at a well attended bankers presentation at the Ironmongers Hall in London on Tuesday.
  • The BancAmerica Securities Inc led $200m US-CP facility renewal for CAF was signed on Wednesday. The 364 days at 20bp risk fee facility will be effective from September 17. Argentina
  • CHASE Investment Bank and Dresdner Bank Luxembourg SA have captured the highly prestigious mandate to arrange a debut $115m syndicated loan facility for core Anglo-American Group company Amcoal. The two arrangers, which have already been joined by Sumitomo Bank as a co-arranger, are syndicating the facility on a low profile basis among core Anglo-American relationship banks. Each has been asked to sign up for $10m.
  • CITIBANK International plc has fought off tough competition to win BAT Industries' highly sought after $1.15bn mandate. The emergence of the financing, which was launched at the start of the week, has solved the mystery for many banks that were keen to win the top slot. However, BAT has concentrated its favours on just one institution, despite the initial expectation that several additional arranger slots might have been available for other core relationship banks.
  • Croatia The recently syndicated DM 35m five years at 95bp over Libor term loan for Dalmatinska banka being arranged by Bayerische Landesbank and Bayerische Vereinsbank AG is to sign on Tuesday in Zadar.
  • Germany The high profile $1bn standby revolving L/C facility being arranged for the Hannover Re Group by Chase Investment Bank is to sign today (Friday).
  • HSBC Investment Bank is in the initial stages of launching syndication of the Ffr1.5477bn in senior debt facilities supporting the Ffr2.8bn buy-out of Holding de Restauration Concedée Elitair to form the leading concession catering business in France. Bercy, which operates the Elitair and Pomme de Pain food businesses, together with venture capital specialist Advent International are purchasing the HRC business from buy-out firm Charterhouse Development Capital and Accor. Bercy will own 51% of the new company, while Advent will hold 49%.
  • India Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Fuji Bank (Singapore) and Sakura Finance Asia have launched a $100m facility for Industrial Credit & Investment Corp of India.
  • Egypt Chase Investment Bank is in the initial stages of launching the general syndication phase of the $250m borrowing base facility for first time borrower Apache Corp Egypt.
  • Finland The well supported $350m seven year multicurrency revolving credit being arranged for Nokia Oy by Chase Investment Bank, Citibank NA and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell is to be signed today (Friday) in Helsinki.
  • DEN norske Bank and HSBC Investment Bank are arranging a rare foray into the syndicated loan market by Norwegian shipping company Stolt Comex Seaway. The $250m facility, which is split between a $90m six year term loan, an $80m three year revolving credit and an $80m six year guarantee facility, is being syndicated on a confidential basis among specialist shipping lenders.
  • Morgan Guaranty Trust Co and Bank of America NT&SA have arranged a $500m revolver for ERP Limited Partnership. Pricing for the two year deal is based on the company's debt rating. The Prime margin is set at Prime flat, the Libor margin range is 25bp to 112.5bp and the commitment fee range is 15bp to 37.5bp. The Chicago, Illinois-based real estate investment trust company will use the loan to fund its merger with Evans Withycombe Residential LP.