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  • * European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Rating: Aaa/AAA
  • * L-Finance Guarantor: L-Bank
  • Asset-backed securities * BA Credit Card Corp Ltd Cayman Islands Series 1997-1
  • * Council of Europe Social Development Fund Rating: Aa1/AAA
  • MORGAN STANLEY has achieved a notable success with its one-stop leveraged financing for Neopost SA. The innovatively structured financing package is the Wall Street firm's first coup in the European leveraged finance market and sees another competitor firmly enter the fray for this type of business.
  • Finland The well supported $350m seven year multicurrency revolving credit being arranged for Nokia Oy by Chase Investment Bank, Citibank NA and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell was signed on September 12 in Helsinki.
  • Corporates The finely priced £531.3m refinancing being organised for Barking Power Ltd by sole mandated arranger and underwriter Deutsche Morgan Grenfell looks set to confound its many critics.
  • BANK of America International Ltd has quietly arranged an innovatively structured Pta15.132bn project finance facility refinancing 18 of Edison Mission Energy's Spanish mini-hydro power plants. The 15 year facility, which was initially fully underwritten by Bank of America, is being raised through Mission's Iberica de Energias SA subsidiary. The deal will replace four existing project financings originally put in place in the early 1990s to fund the construction of the power plants.
  • The $100m facility for Industrial Credit & Investment Corp of India has closed. Arrangers are Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Fuji Bank (Singapore) and Sakura Finance Asia. Senior managers include Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA (Singapore), Banco Exterior de España SA (Hong Kong), Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz Girozentrale and Norddeutsche Landesbank. National Bank of Abu Dhabi is joining as a manager.
  • Connect Austria, which recently won the franchise to operate the country's third mobile phone network, is in the initial stages of approaching potential bidders for an Sch6bn or so financing. Around 10 banks are being asked to put forward ideas before formal bids are requested and the company should choose two or three to lead the deal.
  • Kuwait The $1.2bn refinancing being sought by Equate Petrochemical Company through arrangers and underwriters Arab Banking Corp, APICORP, Chase Manhattan plc, Citibank International plc, Gulf International Bank, Gulf Investment Co, Kuwait Finance House, JP Morgan Securities Ltd and the National Bank of Kuwait has been a resounding success in syndication.
  • Ghana BZW and NM Rothschild & Sons have quietly arranged a $70m project finance facility for the Abosso Gold project in Ghana being developed by Ranger Minerals NL.