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  • Despite the euphoric market reaction to Labour's landslide victory in last year's general election -- and the immediate granting of operational independence to the Bank of England -- UK Gilts are still yielding over 100bp more than German Bunds.
  • The Republic of Argentina's reputation in the international capital markets has been transformed in recent years. Structural reform has brought about impressive improvement in the country's economic fundamentals.
  • Railtrack, the privatised operator and owner of the infrastructure supporting Britain's railway network, has made an impressive start to its life as a private sector borrower and a new kid on the capital market's block.
  • Asset securitisation is one of the biggest growth areas in the UK capital market.
  • Japanese investors have been the main driving force behind the dramatic growth of the Euro-MTN market in recent years.
  • The Euro-MTN markets have become a vital component in the funding strategy of every major international capital market borrower -- and many lesser borrowers -- over the past 12 years.
  • An economy dominated by oil has proved to be a mixed blessing for Venezuela over the years. With oil prices at a four year low, investors have grown cooler towards the country -- questioning the republic's broader economic fundamentals and the lack of structural reforms to boost the economy and reduce its dependence on oil revenues and exports.
  • A sea change is sweeping through every aspect of the UK capital markets as the European continent gets ready for the single currency and as the strength of sterling and the UK economy continues to expand the use of the UK's financial markets by international issuers and investors.
  • Unexpectedly -- and, in the eyes of many bankers, undeservedly -- Chile has been the Latin American country most affected by the fall-out from the Asian meltdown.
  • Any lingering doubts about Mexico's strength as an international borrower have been well and truly erased over the past six months, as the country has risen from the Asian-induced mayhem to become the safe haven of the emerging market world.
  • Nowhere has the growing innovation and diversity of the UK capital market been more evident in recent months than in the emergence of a viable high yield sterling bond market. The deal flow is picking up speed and bankers believe it is destined become one of the most vibrant high yield corporate debt sectors in Europe.
  • The Eurosterling debt market is on a roll, with demand and supply both soaring.