◆ BMO final orders drop by €1.4bn as issuer ‘solved for optimal price’ ◆ Tightening of final spread ‘cost them some orders’ say rival bankers ◆ ‘A great trade’ that was ‘priced at pinpoint’ according to a syndicate lead
◆ Bankers away from syndicate praise the outcome ◆ ‘A good test’ for next week when volumes are expected to increase ◆ Recent volatility reflects ‘recalibration, not reassessment’ of risk
◆ Investor demand for FRNs is ‘not something you would expect’ ◆ Rare callable format works for issuers ◆ Money market and short credit funds among the buyers
◆ Ireland's Permanent TSB Bank has 'reasonable credit story' ◆ Italian BFF offering 'could be interesting test' ◆ Rates volatility and reduced liquidity could pose challenges