◆ Portuguese insurer offers an ESG first ◆ ‘More scope’ for labelled perp capital from insurers than banks, says lead manager ◆ Investors liked ‘attractive outright level’
Moody’s rates the €750m 30 year hybrid two notches below issuer’s senior
◆ Green label helps Nordea to tightest euro tier two of 2024 ◆ Investors buying at fair value after November intro ◆ Portuguese insurer Fidelidade meets investors ahead of debut green RT1
Valuation mismatch between issuer and investors prompted the decision to cancel the IPO
New FIG coverage chief for Spain and Portugal to build Natixis Iberia business
The first IPO in more than three years probably won’t reignite the Portuguese market
Both major Portuguese political parties are 'committed to continuing debt reduction', says debt management office
Governments may feel they save money with retail issues, but an illiquidity premium looms
Rating agency cites sharp decline in country's debt-to-GDP ratio
Up to two visits to primary market planned each year, but senior unsecured is not on the bank's radar
Investors are showing a hunger for ‘spready’ periphery covered bonds
Investors offered high grade euro mandates from newcomer Epiroc and Portugal's Ren