Nordic Investment Bank NIB
This week's scorecard looks at the progress supranationals have made in their funding programmes this year.
The Kangaroo market witnessed a flurry of deals this week as issuers dipped into an investor base starved of paper. The rush of deals follows a period of inactivity during which pricing –– compared with other niche currencies –– had been unfavourable, forcing issuers to wait until costs worked for them again.
The Nordic Investment Bank is raising funds in the middle of the Kangaroo curve, as a scarcity of mid-curve issuance allowed the leads to circulate tight pricing guidance.
The SRI bond pipeline for public sector borrowers looks fit to burst, with a string of issuers planning deals and KfW setting a marker with a thumping trade this week.
The MTN market is expecting a pick up in issuance in the second half of 2017, after a sluggish start to the year, as many public sector issuers race through their programmes via the public markets in the first few months.
This week's scorecard looks at the progress supranationals have made in their funding programmes this year.
This week's scorecard looks at the progress supranationals have made with their funding programmes this year.
This week's funding scorecard looks at the funding progress supranationals have made in their funding progress by the end of January.
The dollar bond market for public sector borrowers this week rounded off a spectacular January, with many bankers describing it as “perfect” and the best in five years.
Public sector borrowers are staying focused on the belly of the dollar curve, with a pair of issuers lined up for Wednesday. Demand at that part of the curve shows no sign of letting up, with two issuers out in fives on Tuesday — one of which was able to increase the size of its issue from its initial target.
The Nordic Investment Bank and Province of Quebec are set to hit the five year part of the dollar curve on Tuesday, a trade that has returned some bumper deals for public sector borrowers so far in 2017.