Morgan Stanley
The bank has followed up its drama-free CEO succession by quietly revamping the structure and leadership of its investment banking division to ensure it is fit for the new market dynamics
◆ World Bank returns to five year dollars ◆ Rare IDA 10 year on offer in euros ◆ Supra open for business until year-end
Bumper September brings post 2020 peak
◆ Pricing through fair value ◆ Big size for 'darling' Canadian issuer ◆ Attractive pricing over tier one SSA names
Pfizer and Greek bailout fund selling as Applied Nutrition launches IPO
Tech firm to repay part of WMWare financing after biding its time
◆ Issuer appears for first deal since 2022 ◆ Tight pricing against Austria ◆ Healthy demand helps Asfinag take home target size
◆ Inflation-linked products ‘more than welcome’ ◆ Record euro linker book ◆ Ten-year plus bid draws demand
◆ AfDB finishes benchmark funding for 2024 ◆ Recent swap moves warrants careful approach ◆ Issuers look for PPs and arb opportunities next
A busy pipeline is forming in the SSA market as the EU preps its next scheduled transaction
◆ IDA navigates busy dollar market ◆ IFC deal ‘ticked a number of boxes' ◆ Size important for IDA, while not the objective for IFC
◆ More tightening ‘doesn’t feel like the right thing to do’ ◆ New framework maintains dark green rating ◆ Dollar FRN on the table