Loans and High Yield
Class B creditors' chances of having their rescue plan adopted appear slim as lawyers judge their timing to be too late and highlight unprecedented nature of case
The decompression trade between high grade and high yield credit is far from guaranteed to pay off
Spread between riskier and higher rated corporate debt tipped to widen for first time in years
Acquisitive company also prints bonds following Valinor purchase
Heavily indebted company expects its yields to fall after next month's regulatory milestone
Class A bondholders expect to get a quorum for the lending deal the utility agreed to
Company's debt woes has seen its credit rating cut another notch
Embattled water company already has £1.5bn backstopped as it fights for its future
Public markets have proven to be often just as illiquid, leading to a convergence in approach
The Japanese bank has boosted its teams in New York and Singapore with bankers from Morgan Stanley, Citi and Credit Suisse
US firm strengthens London office’s sustainability and financing expertise
Central bank warns that debt stresses are going to rise to levels not seen since the global financial crisis