Loan Ranger
The Ranger was relentless in hounding busy bankers last week - no matter what activities they were already engaged in.
The Ranger travelled through Germany to South Africa to glimpse some rare beasts on a loan market safari.
The Ranger holds banks to ransom for their votes for the Loans Awards.
The Ranger went on the hunt for meditating bankers and found that each in the market has their own definition of inner peace.
Early-rising bankers have been basking in daylight since clocks were turned back an hour over the weekend.
Loans bankers have been berating the Loan Ranger for sparing the spurs and letting the horse get fat.
The Ranger’s favourite expression — “The rules are, there ain’t no rules” — was thoroughly quashed last week by a load of bankers who love rules.
The Loan Ranger's trusty companion Silver travelled to the Middle East to learn about the ways of Arabian stallions and the local market, but returned with tales of strange greeting rituals.
It always gives great delight to be the conduit of bankers' warm sentiments for each other - particularly among the market's more outspoken protagonists - and in recent weeks the Ranger has heard some corkers.
Many market participants decamp to Cornwall for their summer breaks - in fact it is seemingly where the whole market has absconded to over the last couple of weeks, but with varying results.
The Ranger has a refreshing experience at Morgan Stanley's press reception.