More liquid Latvia to be used as pricing comparable for Lithuania
Baltics Classified Group, the online classified advertising company focused on the Baltic region, has opened the books on its £238m IPO on the London Stock Exchange.
Shares in two companies, listed on Wednesday, are trading below their IPO price, with bankers blaming more volatile market conditions for the disappointing moves.
Ignitis Grupe, the state-owned Lithuanian energy and utility company, has opened books on its IPO on the Nasdaq Vilinus and London Stock Exchange. The company’s listing will benefit from a framework agreement signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, under which it will participate in the IPO.
Ignitis Grupe, the state-owned Lithuanian energy and utility company, has begun marketing its IPO and is hoping that interest from investors concerned with environmental, social and governance [ESG] factors will lead to a higher valuation.
Ignitis Grupe, the state-owned Lithuanian energy and utility company, has filed IPO paperwork in preparation for a listing in Vilinus and London.
The Republic of Lithuania returned to bond markets for its second trade in less than three months on Tuesday, tapping euro investors for a 30 year trade.
The Republic of Lithuania joined the ranks of top tier emerging markets issuers proving their access to bond markets in the teeth of the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday, as it broke its issuance record with a €2bn dual tranche trade.
A number of untested European companies have made their entrance to the international high yield bond market in the past two weeks as central banks fuel conditions that pamper repeat and new issuers alike, while driving investors into ever riskier assets in a hunt for yield. Karoliina Liimatainen reports.
Aircraft leasing and aviation services company Avia Solutions Group became the latest debutant in the European high yield bond market on Tuesday. Central bank monetary policy has eased the path for a number of debuts in the last couple of weeks.
Luminor Bank is likely to issue the debut Estonian covered bond in the first quarter of 2020 according to the bank’s head of treasury, Max Ehrengren. Although the programme will have capacity to issue deals secured on Lithuanian and Latvian assets, the inaugural transaction will be exclusively secured on Estonian assets.