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  • SSA
    Read on to see how selected benchmarks are faring in secondary. Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark as of Thursday's close. The source for secondary trading levels is Interactive Data.
  • SSA
    Cades took to the dollar market on Thursday, selling a rare 10 year print. The issuer was inspired to sell the tricky maturity by a strong market this week and was rewarded with almost $4bn of orders.
  • SSA
    Cades and KfW were the latest issuers to add to a flood of dollar issuance on Wednesday afternoon, hiring banks for a 10 year and four year deal respectively. The European Investment Bank and L-Bank both enjoyed solid demand for benchmarks of their own on Wednesday.
  • SSA
    Belgium mandated banks for a new June 2034 euro benchmark on Monday, adding to a euro pipeline that already included a mandate from KfW earlier in the day and an expected deal from the European Financial Stability Facility later in the week.
  • SSA
    Read on to see how deals priced earlier in the year are faring in secondary. Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark as of Thursday's close. The source for secondary trading levels is Interactive Data.
  • SSA
    This week SSA Markets provides funding updates on key European supranationals and agencies after what is traditionally the busiest issuance period of the year. Click here to find out which issuer has completed over 30% of its 2014 funding requirement.
  • SSA
    Erste Abwicklungsanstalt has hired banks to run a three year dollar benchmark — its first fixed rate benchmark in the currency — as leads on a deal in the same tenor for KfW were busy dealing with a book of over $7bn for a print capped at $4bn.
  • SSA
    World Bank enjoyed searing demand on Wednesday for its first Kauri trade of the year, a five year note. Interest from a wide geographical base allowed the issuer to print the second largest trade ever in the format.
  • SSA
    World Bank is set to sell a new five year Kauri bond on Wednesday, building on a good start to the year for New Zealand dollar issuance. KfW will join the supranational, after mandating banks for a tap of 10 year Kangaroo bonds.
  • SSA
    KfW will sell its second dollar benchmark of the year on Wednesday, choosing a three year maturity in line with expectations. In the euro market Dutch winding up agency Propertize is likely to sell its second ever deal just a week after its capital markets debut.
  • SSA
    Syndicate bankers are preparing for a busy week in dollars following the Presidents’ Day holiday in the US on Monday. KfW is expected to mandate for a three year deal on Tuesday and several other agencies are set to follow.
  • SSA
    Read on to see how deals priced earlier in the year are faring in secondary. Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark as of Thursday's close. The source for secondary trading levels is Interactive Data.