KfW hit the sterling market on Monday with a tap of a short dated line, as the issuer’s short-end spread over Gilts reached a year high.
KfW has visited the syndicated market with in bond in an unconventional tenor on a Friday — typically a quiet day for deals — for the second week in a row.
KfW was able to double its minimum target with a rare 20 year bond on Friday, using a tactic that SSA bankers away from the deal believe other issuers could follow over the summer.
KfW on Friday priced the largest Kangaroo deal since April and has reopened the Australian market for more supranationals and agencies to follow, said niche currency bankers.
KfW has announced the successor to Horst Seissinger, the head of capital markets at the development bank, who will retire early next year.
A smaller than typical seven year euro benchmark for KfW on Tuesday underlined how difficult execution in euros has become for public sector borrowers.
Germany’s jewel in the SSA crown, KfW, drew a gasp of horror on Tuesday when it set out to sell a seven year benchmark, but only limped to €2bn. That should ring alarm bells in the offices of every European public sector borrower.
A trio of SSA issuers are set to pepper the euro curve on Tuesday, despite waves of volatility engulfing the market over the past few weeks.
KfW’s second Canadian dollar outing of the year enjoyed strong demand from international investors on Thursday.
KfW’s second Canadian dollar deal of the year enjoyed strong demand from international investors on Thursday.