A strong public sector dollar market welcomed one issuer's first $5bn sized deal this week. It was not even the only borrower to sell in size but with SSAs well-funded, there are few expectations of more large trades.
KfW launched a three year global on Tuesday, raising $5bn, while Japan Bank for International Cooperation picked banks for a four tranche dollar trade.
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OeKB) returned to the sterling market on Tuesday, raising £350m with a five year deal.
KfW will be the first public sector borrower to test a dollar market where swap spreads have rebounded off the 2017 lows they hit in the middle of last week.
The Kangaroo market witnessed a flurry of deals this week as issuers dipped into an investor base starved of paper. The rush of deals follows a period of inactivity during which pricing –– compared with other niche currencies –– had been unfavourable, forcing issuers to wait until costs worked for them again.
KfW has raised the threshold of sustainability it requires as an investor, the latest in a growing trend for bond buyers to focus on the impact of their investments.
Emmanuel Macron’s election as French president last weekend was the catalyst for a flood of revved up euro deals this week, with issuers and investors aiming at the long end of the curve as the biggest known political risk in Europe this year passed with a market-friendly outcome. Craig McGlashan reports.
The SRI bond pipeline for public sector borrowers looks fit to burst, with a string of issuers planning deals and KfW setting a marker with a thumping trade this week.
KfW has sold the largest ever new green bond issue from a supranational or European agency, printing flat to its curve with a green deal for the first time and drawing a remarkably high level of Asian investor interest for a euro trade. More SRI issuance is on the way, after Dutch agency FMO announced a sustainability bond roadshow.
KfW is set to bring its first green bond in euros in nearly a year, with the deal coming amid a flurry of conventional trades in the currency. KommuneKredit is also in the SRI pipeline, after running a roadshow to introduce its green bond framework.