The SSA market leapt into life this week with multiple benchmarks hitting screens. While the backdrop was supportive, the narrow pick-up offered over US Treasuries appeared to be stunting demand.
As the SSA market returns to life, two big name borrowers produced trades at the short end of the curve that underwhelmed some onlookers, prompting some syndicate bankers to speculate that there may be more fertile pastures further out the curve.
Two SSA borrowers printed dollar benchmarks on Wednesday, pulling off solid trades in spite of some investors put off by tight spreads.
Public sector borrowers are mainly keeping to the short end of the dollar curve this week, but at least one top tier issuer is understood to be considering a 10 year dollar benchmark in the next few weeks.
September is fast approaching, bringing with it one of the most hotly anticipated European Central Bank (ECB) meetings ever, but the central bank will do its utmost to avoid causing drama, say investors.
KfW raised €1bn with a tap of a September 2032 line on Monday, hitting screens early on Monday morning and taking advantage of a good window with a one day execution.
Public sector issuers are taking advantage of strong summer conditions in the dollar market to bring green and arbitrage-style deals, with more issuance expected next week.
Two European agencies are set to launch dollar transactions on Tuesday, defying any talk of a summer slowdown to take advantage of supportive conditions.
The vote are in and the scores have been counted. The GC BondMarker voters have delivered their verdict on two benchmarks from the week commencing July 10: a €1bn 15 year from KfW and a three year dollar note from Municipality Finance.
KfW printed a €1bn tap of a July 2022 line on Wednesday, sneaking in a deal ahead of the European Central Bank meeting on Thursday.