Investor appetite remains strong for longer dated euro SSA bonds, encouraging the likes of EFSF and KfW to tap the long-end of the curve this week. But the question is: will the demand last, and for how long?
KfW on Monday priced a tap of its recent 15 year euro bond in line with guidance, doubling the overall deal size to €2bn.
A pair of European agencies have increased their funding target ranges for 2018 as they prepare for the second half of the year.
KfW is looking for an extra €5bn of funding this year, after raising its 2018 target as it printed its half year funding report.
KfW has hired a new head of government relations with a strong background in climate change and energy issues.
Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark as of Thursday's close. The source for secondary trading levels is Interactive Data.
Six months into the life of MiFID II, a new regulation that had many in the capital markets sweating over just how onerous their lives were about to become, some public sector borrowers have claimed that not only has the implementation of the regulation been simple, but in several ways it has been beneficial. That is not the universal view, however, with some borrowers still experiencing minor headaches.
SSA borrowers are streaming into the euro market, flooding the early part of the week with deals in an effort to secure funding before a slew of central bank meetings towards the end of the week.
Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark as of Thursday's close. The source for secondary trading levels is Interactive Data.
KfW opened the door for dollar issuers after a quiet few weeks in the currency, although the issuer — and SFIL, which followed it — had to navigate some price discovery after last week’s Italy-led volatility.