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  • This week's funding scorecard looks at the progress of Europe's supranationals and agencies as the year comes to a close. Some of the issuers have also set their funding targets for 2019.
  • Public sector borrowers are gearing themselves for wider spreads and bigger new issue premiums in the euro market in 2019 following the expected end of the European Central Bank’s public sector purchase programme. The bigger and more liquid names will determine the environment for the rest of the market, according to SSA bankers.
  • Secondary spreads in the euro public sector market have widened heavily across the curve with just over a month to go before the European Central Bank is expected to put an end to its Public Sector Purchase Programme. SSAs are also being affected by the political ructions from Italy, Brexit and the global trade war, said bankers.
  • KfW’s €5bn November 2023 was the standout performer in a week of trades — from Erste Abwicklungsanstalt, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank and Swedish Export Credit Corp — that BondMarker voters rated highly.
  • Guarantor: Federal Republic of Germany
  • SSA
    A megayacht of a trade from KfW this week suggested that potential headwinds — including the end of quantitative easing, Italy’s reckoning with the European Commission and Angela Merkel’s plan to step away from politics — are failing to sink sentiment in the euro market. But some SSA bankers warned that the trade was more just proof that KfW can float in these conditions — and that an upcoming deal for the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) will be a better buoy for the sector’s currents.
  • Public sector borrowers are taking different approaches to the MTN market as they look to see out the rest of the funding year.
  • KfW received a final book of over €12bn for a five year euro benchmark on Tuesday, while the City of Hamburg closed out its funding for the year with its longest outstanding bond. Finnvera will add to the euro SSA supply this week, after mandating banks for a short 10 year that is likely to be its final syndication of the year.
  • A funding official at KfW has switched to the corporate sector.
  • KfW mandated banks on Monday for the first euro benchmark in the public sector market from a supranational or agency in two weeks.
  • A three times subscribed deal by KfW this week showed that there is plenty of green demand for issuers looking to print in the format in the remainder of the year, as a fellow German agency moved forward with plans to bring a trade.
  • Guarantor: Federal Republic of Germany