7th ICO Sustainable Bond Forum has been inaugurated by the Director General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, Álvaro López Barceló, and by the Chairman of ICO, José Carlos García de Quevedo.The Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain, Margarita Delgado, has been closed this seventh edition.Instituto de Crédito Oficial has organised the conference in collaboration with BBVA, Crédit Agricole, HSBC, ING and Santander. Throughout the years, it has become a reference space to assess the evolution of the green, social and sustainable bond markets.ICO maintains its leadership as an issuer of sustainable bonds after accumulating a total of 14 issues (9 social bond issues and 5 green bond issues) for a total amount of 7 bn euros.These issuances are part of ICO's strategy to contribute to the growth of the sustainable bond market and ensure the channelling of funds to finance projects linked to sustainability from a social and environmental point of view, in line with the Government's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.The Director General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, Álvaro López, and the Chairman of the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), José Carlos García de Quevedo, have inaugurated, Thursday, June 8, ICO Sustainable Bond Forum, which reaches its seventh edition this year. The Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain, Margarita Delgado, has closed the event.
June 22, 2023