◆ Fair value tricky but British Columbia a marker ◆ NWB raises £250m ◆ 'Softer tone' in market
◆ Issuer matches previous record ◆ Pricing level was 'never a question' ◆ Market shrugs off Gilt selling
New leadership must be bold if it is to silene the doubters and ensure the the new-look corporate and investment bank delivers on its promise
◆ Berlin deal “full success” ◆ Länder segment expected to keep busy ◆ Rhineland-Palatinate prints big, retains bonds
◆ Four deals priced at same tenor, with a fifth also in dollars ◆ Why IADB increased size ◆ Swap spread moves cause complications
◆ Sterling market goes from busy to busier ◆ OeKB takes ‘decent book’ ◆ Agency looks to dollars next
◆ First out of three Belgian euro syndications proved a hit ◆ Usual 2bp premium paid ◆ Italy to follow with potential €20bn deal
◆ Joint largest size from non-UK public sector issuer ◆ ADB also raised £1bn ◆ Cross currency basis allows for sterling concession
◆ Bankers disagree on NIP ◆ IADB demand allows larger size ◆ AIIB releases sterling IPTs
European investment banks are playing catch-up, even on home turf. Which of them are best placed to challenge the US leaders?
Elhedery reshapes bank in search of agility, Ginsburg to leave in March
LEG takes advantage of strong share price rally with “very opportunistic” trade