German Sovereign
Investors were in defensive mode in the dollar market this week as they snapped up short dated trades and floating rate notes, with demand particularly heavy from central banks and official institutions. Bankers are hopeful that benchmark supply will return next week.
KfW priced through its curve on Wednesday as it wrapped up its green bond programme for the year with a more than three times subscribed trade.
The European Stability Mechanism priced its second ever dollar benchmark at a “fair” level of around 5bp over European Investment Bank’s September 2020, according to onlooking SSA bankers. Elsewhere in the dollar SSA market, Inter-American Development and NRW.Bank mandated banks for floating rate notes.
Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten and KfW mandated banks on Tuesday for euro issues at opposite ends of the curve.
A global equity sell-off mid-week caused some jitters among bankers covering a live Kommunalbanken dollar deal on Wednesday, but the nervousness proved unfounded as the trade came through to acclaim. The deal was typical in a week where SSAs priced tight and with big books despite choppy wider markets.
SSAs are enjoying strong conditions in dollars, with KfW and the Province of Ontario finding plentiful demand on Wednesday despite bringing deals that on-looking bankers said were “pretty much” in line with secondaries. Kommunalbanken will price a dollar benchmark on Thursday that leads said was following a similar pattern.
KfW and the Province of Ontario will hit separate parts of the dollar curve on Wednesday, with the former circulating what one on-looking banker described as “punchy” price thoughts. The deals followed a well-received floating rate note from a German Land that doubled in size.
A senior fixed income syndicate banker at UniCredit has retired, GlobalCapital understands. Bankers at rival firms hailed him as “a true original and a character”.