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Can UK prime RMBS volumes live up to expectations, and CLO ETFs take off in Europe
CLOs set for a fast start in January while data centre surge could boost ABS growth
For the SRT Series finale, MUFG's head of FIG for the DACH region discusses the future of the market and her career to date
European Investment Fund duo on how significant risk transfer securitization helps get maximum impact for the Fund's money
Funding Circle’s chief capital officer on why more competition would be better in SME ABS and how the pandemic has shaped the sector
◆ Barings win the race for a middle market CLO ◆ Surge of green ABS deals
◆ Court of Appeal brings out yellow flags for auto ABS ◆ Managing regulatory capital
Alantra's Jeremy Hermant discusses his long journey of making SRT great
◆ Golden Ray 1 shines on debut ◆ US election holds up EU ABS