◆ Market takes surprise election results in stride ◆ Insurance companies leading with plans to raise deeply subordinated debt ◆ Bank capital and senior deals in euros and dollars also on the cards
European IPOs on pause as France votes, and September window is extremely narrow
As Bastille Day — and the start of what is often a lull in capital markets — approaches, the fate of billions of euros of FIG and corporate bonds lies at the whim of UK and France voters
Market awaits EU’s lead once election volatility subsides
Third step of Clariane's four-legged debt restructuring plan was 1.67 times oversubscribed
As supply becomes scarcer, it will be easier for companies to sell dirty debt as green
Mandates hit screens later in the day than usual after National Rally’s soaring popularity in France
Banks could be affected in medium term if fiscal policy turns loose, though most FIG issuers are well funded for this year
European ESG funds saw $16bn of inflows up to June, but a potential new government in France could curtail primary volumes
Small ambitions of Legrand, DSV and El Corte Inglés rewarded with chunky demand
'It was the best thing to do' in a volatile market, says issuer after election call sparks market mayhem
French issuer postpones deal as compatriots set to face wider spreads