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Bank wants to grow risk management offering in north America
GlobalCapital asked heads of debt capital markets businesses across the Street about their expectations for 2025 and their experiences of 2024. Most predict rising issuance volumes as Ralph Sinclair discovers whether they see AI, blockchains, or the rather more human rise of private credit as the most disruptive threat to the industry
The capital markets are finding growing uses for artificial intelligence as language models go from being large and broad, to small and tightly focused. AI has already been deployed to increase administrative efficiency. Automation in trading and execution is next, writes Gaia Freydefont
The Australia-specific approach has no immediate impact on other major markets
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EU-Bonds to have same status as government debt, says central bank
French bank adds to its Benelux and German FIG origination teams
Franke to lead Dutch firm’s push into German speaking markets
Spanish bank has also hired a new MTN syndicate banker
European regulators were not pleased with changes that ‘risk undermining global cohesion’
The Canadian bank is beefing up its presence in Europe