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◆ Subscription ratio and spread move in line with recent deals ◆ Low single digit concession needed ◆ Small premium paid over sterling
◆ NN the first Friday deal in six weeks ◆ Investors hungry for undersupplied Dutch paper ◆ Book grows after spread set
◆ Norwegian lender shows longer tenors are no issue ◆ Investors flock to four times covered deal ◆ Slim premium paid to reopen market
◆ Deal lands after lengthy roadshow ◆ Investors pledge over €1.15bn of orders for sub-benchmark print ◆ Single digit concession offered
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Pfandbrief split across four tranches spanning 3.4 to 23.6 years
◆ Deal the first publicly placed UK covered bond secured on buy-to-let mortgages ◆ Saving spotted versus RMBS ◆ Low double digit pick-up needed over prime UK paper
◆ Rates and geopolitical volatility weigh on investor sentiment ◆ Fast money investors show price sensitivity ◆ Low single digit premium paid
Investors keen on duration as Thermo Fisher and Pfandbriefzentrale also go longer
Estonian lender set to join Austrian and German-led sub-benchmark flurry
◆ Deal is third Aussie trade in a week ◆ Aussie lender takes size ◆ Slim orderbook necessitates slim premium