incorporated in England and Wales (company number 15236213),

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Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about GlobalCapital.

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Subscriptions and Free trial access to GlobalCapital

1. What is GlobalCapital?

Please visit our ‘About us’ page. This page explains more about GlobalCapital's service, why we launched the site and decided to incorporate EuroWeek, The Cover, SSA Markets, IFIS and Total Securitization all on the same platform.

2. Who do I contact if I have a question about my subscription?

If you have any questions regarding your subscription please contact us using the details below:

Customer Services (GlobalCapital)
Delinian Limited
8 Bouverie Street
United Kingdom

Please be sure to include your name and subscription number and the title of your subscription package. This information allows us to quickly retrieve your subscription details. If you do not know your subscription number, please provide the email address you are using as your username on GlobalCapital.

3. Where can I find my subscription number?

Your subscription number appears on the address label of your print copy if you receive one. It can also be found on your invoice and receipt. It will start with MGP.

4. How do I change the delivery address of my print subscription?

We require all address changes, including individual names and email address, to be submitted in writing. This can be via email, fax or by post. Click here for contact details of Customer Services.
Please state the old address and the new address and most importantly, your subscription number, to allow us to retrieve and change your details. If you do not know your subscription number, please provide the email address you are using as your username on GlobalCapital.

5. Can I access my online subscription from more than one computer?

The level of access is dependent on your contract with GlobalCapital. Your access is restricted to either a single fixed machine or to a specified number of machines. Access is permitted via a username (email address) and password. Login details are strictly for the use of the named account holder only.

For more information on such corporate group access, please complete the subscription form to submit your interest for a GlobalCapital subscription.

6. I’ve forgotten my password or username.

Please contact Customer Services, quoting your subscription number and the full name of the subscriber. If you have forgotten your password or would like to change your password then you can reset your password on this page. For your security the login details will only be sent to the registered email address. You can also change your password for something more memorable when you visit ‘My Account’ section.

7. Is there an app for GlobalCapital?

The design of is fully responsive. This means that – whilst there is no app – you can browse news and data with all devices. Whether this is on your PC, tablet or mobile – the site will adapt to your device. Just log in with your usual username and password to start browsing.

8. What is included in a full subscription to GlobalCapital?

To find out more about GlobalCapital and its coverage, please visit the ‘About us’ page or request to receive a brochure which outlines all the benefits of the service.

A FULL subscription to GlobalCapital includes weekly issues of the GlobalCapital print newspaper and around 30 highly topical supplements throughout the year.

Your subscription also allows unlimited access to the website for the duration of your subscription. It provides full access to daily news and data updates, the content of the newspaper (including all supplements, tables and reports), and to our searchable archive of articles dating back to September 1997. You can also sign up to receive daily and weekly email newsletters.

9. I am a subscriber however some pages (and sections) are blocked. What can I do to read all articles and view data?

You may notice that some sections of the site aren’t open with your current login level. This is because your subscription is not to the entirety of GlobalCapital.

To get access to the totality of GlobalCapital, including our lobalRMB news and data section, you can either take a trial (which offers the same privileges as a full subscriber for a limited period) or start an upgraded subscription.

Please do contact us if you have any queries or would like to access sections of the site that are currently outside of the current subscription package.

10. What are the subscription rates?

It is often easier to discuss your subscription options with our team directly. Rates vary depending on the level of service you require and the institution you belong to. Please complete the subscription form to submit your interest for a GlobalCapital subscription.

Already a subscriber?

11. How can I pay for my subscription?

You may pay for a full subscription by requesting an invoice to be sent to your company. The invoice will state payment options, including details of cheque and bank transfers.

12. What will appear on my credit card statement for my subscription? And is my payment secure?

If payment is taken online your statement will have the reference - "EUROMONEY ONLINE TRAN LONDON".

Our credit card payments are handled by our payment department, CyberSource, which uses state-of-the-art security tools and techniques to ensure that your online payment is completely secure. When you enter your credit or debit card details, a secure link is set up between your browser and CyberSource. If you would like more information, please visit

We do not store your full credit card information. The last four digits are retained temporarily as a reference only.

For payments made through an Agency, please contact the Agency directly.

13. When will my subscription start and finish?

This information can be found on your receipt. You will have received a written receipt by post after your payment was processed. Alternatively please contact Customer Services quoting your subscription number and the full name of the subscriber and we will be able to confirm this.

14. How is a free trial different from a subscription?

When you register for a free trial, you receive the same online access as a GlobalCapital subscriber and you can read all sections on the site for a limited period. Only one free trial per person is permitted.

15. Will I be reminded before my subscription expires?

You will be reminded with emails and by post when your account is due for renewal.

16. Can I have a free trial?

You can either register online for a trial or contact us by email to get started.
Has the online process blocked your email address? Then please contact us directly. This could be because your company has already exceeded the number of free trials permitted by one institution; or because we only accept business email addresses.


17. What terms and conditions apply to my use of the service?

If you have any questions about our terms and conditions, copyright or our policy on privacy, please consult the notice posted on the website. We will ask you to opt in to new terms and conditions each time we amend them.

Editorial, email newsletters and advertising

18. How do I subscribe or un-subscribe to the e-mail newsletters?

Each day and week, GlobalCapital subscribers and trialists receive news alerts on the people, the deals and the products that move the international capital markets. We don’t want to spam your inbox so we invite you to tailor your alerts by editing your email preferences.

Full GlobalCapital subscribers can also select from the following weekly alerts:- People and Columns: a snapshot of the most important industry and people news (sent on Mondays).
- The View: frank insight and opinion pieces by the global editorial team on how the market is doing (sent on Tuesdays).
- The Weekly: a full guide to the week's news, showcasing the biggest stories from the latest issue of GlobalCapital (on Friday) 

19. Why have I stopped receiving the e-mail newsletters? Who should I contact if I have a question about the content?

Some newsletters are stopped by company firewalls and spam filters. Please check with your IT Department about allowing the newsletter through or alter your email account settings to allow the GlobalCapital domain (or in your 'whitelist' or 'safe senders' list. Your IT department may need to assist you with this.
If this is not the case, please contact Customer Services and we can look into this matter and check when the last newsletter was sent out. We will also double-check your email address is on the newsletter distribution list.

If you would like to ask question to a member of the editorial team, please visit our ‘contact us’ page.

20. How can I advertise my business on GlobalCapital?

Please visit the ‘Advertise’ page and contact us to find out more.