◆ Some bankers surprised at scale of moves ◆ Issuers may reconsider long-end plans ◆ Capital demand may persist
At least one potential deal in Europe has been sidelined due to fears about the US economy
Central bank rate cuts could unlock asset rotation into riskier parts of the capital structure
Autumn funding will start early and fast, but geopolitical risk abounds
Early refinancing is adding more pressure on already tight corporate spreads
Agency wraps up a busy July and heads into the autumn with €5bn-€6bn to fund
Issuer left with ‘a lot of flexibility’ after actively pre-funding earlier in the year
◆ Issuer looked to gain from ‘plenty of cash around’ ◆ But some names more welcome than others ◆ Bankers agree on new issue premium
Spanish utility company will use loan for wind, photovoltaic and battery projects
A good sign for primary issuance as inflows pour into credit funds
Investors show they are still at their desks during the most illiquid weeks of the year
Agency could issue two to three more bonds, probably spread out over coming months