A busy pipeline is forming in the SSA market as the EU preps its next scheduled transaction
◆ ECBC, ECB and US inflation put a stop to supply ◆ Issuers not missing out by not issuing in sub-par market ◆ Credit is the more appealing sector
◆ Italian bank returns after years of calls but no replacements ◆ Tight pricing cemented on super-scarcity status ◆ Austria’s Bawag gearing to increase capital with new issue and tender
Borrowers try to slide in before ECB meets on Thursday
Volumes tipped to be down next week, with borrowers cramming into first three days
◆ Debut deal spotted tighter in secondary ◆ Some investors keen to get lines in place for future issues ◆ Buyers fine with unusual structure
Bank capital issuance spree set to run as investors lap up even lower credits
Borrowers’ focus on how far a deal moves during bookbuilding leaves many baffled
Rising supply and a lack of secondary market performance put investors off covered bonds
New issue concessions creep up as smaller, less liquid issuers suffer
Borrowers fill screens on Thursday after poor market open a day earlier kept issuers away
◆ Issuer meets target with debut deal ◆ Deal comes 2bp back of recent Italian supply ◆ Trade follows two day marketing period