◆ Deal comes close to non-eurozone peers ◆ Real money orders dominate book ◆ No oversupply concerns for fourth tranche of 2024
◆ Investor meetings began on Monday ◆ Deal grew amid interest from domestic and foreign accounts ◆ Set to price below 100bp
◆ Issuer returns after seven months, leaves door open for another trade ◆ Tenor, pricing strategy carefully thought out ◆ French agencies test new tights to OATs
In a strange dynamic, hybrid investors are now just as much at the mercy of rating agencies as issuers
Investors chase 20 year-plus bonds but supply, rather than demand, is the question
Investors react calmly to new hybrid ranking higher than old ones
◆ Specialised lender issues first subordinated note in a decade ◆ Deal sees strong take up from investors as they find value ◆ GlobalCapital speaks to Aareal’s treasurer
BNP Paribas raises prediction, in part due to increased M&A that may be tough to realise
The question of 25bp or 50bp from the Fed next week is keeping the market on its toes
◆ Long-dated euro bonds flourish before ECB meeting ◆ Book doubles after cautious 1bp tightening ◆ Strategy was to ensure secondary performance
◆ Agency rides the ‘French agency hype’ ◆ Deal tightens more than expected ◆ Book is one of its largest
Akzo Nobel, MTU Aero Engines and Yorkshire Water also on screens before expected slowdown