French real estate developer is on BBB- with a negative outlook
◆ Orders increased after some investors waited to see final spread ◆ Fair value 'difficult to determine' amid widening backdrop ◆ NIPs have risen
◆ Five year tenor works for investors ◆ Fair value not what it seems ◆ IfDM and Asifnag also price
◆ Swiss Life resuscitates euro capital issuance ◆ Rarity, company size help drive price through fair value ◆ Sogécap avoids French concerns
◆ First euro print for the sovereign since 2022 ◆ Focus on price over size ◆ Euro all-in cost proves attractive
◆ Premium paid debated ◆ Uncertainty about tenor chosen ◆ More covered supply to come as issuers adapt to higher premiums
German state has wrapped up fixed rate programme, with just one FRN left for the year
◆ Rival bankers suggest issuer dropped initial 10 year plan ◆ Agency pays new issue premium ◆ Investors eye pick-up over OATs
◆ New issue and tender help shave 40bp off price ◆ Pricing comes inside fair value but RBI trades wide within Europe's banking sector ◆ Bawag preparing green senior preferred
Investors are punishing whole sectors for a few problematic companies — but they feel they have good reason
Supranational’s chief financial officer speaks to GlobalCapital about the plans ahead
◆ Inflation-linked products ‘more than welcome’ ◆ Record euro linker book ◆ Ten-year plus bid draws demand